Tune-in for ESO’s discussion of its Technology Development program (TechDev)

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has broadened the scope of its strategic partnership with Australia to include access to the ESO Technology Development program (TechDev), which means Australian companies and institutes are now eligible to work with ESO in developing future technologies for ground-based telescopes. This is an important opportunity for Australia. 

Norbert Hubin, who is leading and managing the TechDev program at ESO, will give an introduction to the program: technologies and thematic it covers, funding available and application mechanism. 

The ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) on the 2600-metre-high Cerro Paranal is ESOs premier site for observations in the visible and infrared light.

Join us on zoom on Monday March 7, 6:00PM AEDT

Speaker: Norbert Hubin, Technology Development Program Lead, European Southern Observatory

Title: The ESO Tech Dev program, now open to Australia