The MAVIS team recently concluded its first Busy Week from 23 – 27 October in Canberra since the start of COVID.
This MAVIS Busy Week involved members of the MAVIS Consortium from Australian and European entities. This annual assembly aimed to bring together the MAVIS team for dedicated, in-person collaboration on project-specific endeavours.
This year, the gathering saw the participation of 37 collaborators from various institutions: the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF, Italy) the European Southern Observatory (ESO, Germany) , the Astralis-AITC (Australia) and the Astralis-AAO (Australia).
Close to 60 plenary and splinter sessions were held to work on different aspects of MAVIS, ranging from the most technical subjects to management, product assurance, and MAIT (Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration and Test).
The team successfully achieved most of their predefined objectives, clarifying numerous issues and establishing a more defined path towards resolving remaining instrument trade-offs.
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